Thank your frontline staff for their commitment and participation At Viddler, we recognize and appreciate the sacrifices made by healthcare professionals who continue working tirelessly to keep our communities safe.
Right now there is a call to action for healthcare organizations to recruit, retain, and inspire their employees. So how can we boost morale- especially for those on the frontlines who need it most?
The answer is simple, we can Engage.
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Our healthcare client leaders tell us their employees most enjoy informal, engaged learning about each other, their organization, leadership’s plan and of course their own career options – especially during times of organizational change. Leaders further agreed that best results came from a consistent strategy that invites personal employee sharing, earns rewards, and always informs.
How can you know the plan is working? Make sure you’re talking about what’s critical to them.
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As a result of the global pandemic, the market has seen an increase in digital and video engagement solutions. With so much more of our activity being done remotely, it is important to ensure that digital products are:
Accessible to users with disabilities. Provide an inclusive experience. Compliant with current ADA standards. Viddler is proud to announce the release of a newly updated version of our video player that has been updated to meet current accessibility requirements according to ADA and 508 Standards.
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